Sunday, July 28, 2024

Peacham and Miles

Tuesday June 25  and                                          Most Recent Posts:
Thursday June 27, 2024                               Hiking a Vermont Forest and
Moose River Campground                           New Hampshire Mountains
St Johnsbury, Vermont                       Lower Symes Pond - Fabulous Sounds

My last post was about two hikes and this one is about two ponds that I paddled in late June.  This is often my plan.  I alternate hiking with kayaking during the week and take the week-ends to do other things and avoid the week-enders.

This will finish my posts about June in Vermont.  On to July….at least before August gets here I hope


Peacham Pond  is 28 miles away and takes about 35 minutes to get there.  The pond is bigger than some others that I paddle at 331 acres.  

The water was glassy when I started out and the size of the “pond” makes the shoreline indistinct at this distance.


IMG_2362I started paddling around the edge of the water as usual.  There were quite a few houses on the lake but I find I took no pictures of them.  I stuck to the sections of shore line that were undeveloped.

Once I was far enough down the shore, I paddled over to the island. 


IMG_2381Athough there were signs warning that nesting loons were on the island, I sadly did not see any.  

I heard bullfrogs close by and loons at some distance but saw no wildlife. 

Too many houses I guess.  I must learn to check out if there is a homeowners association for the ponds I paddle.  That’s a clue that I will find more houses and power boats than I prefer.

Can’t decide if I will return to give Peacham Pond a second chance since there are so many others to choose from.  But it was still wonderful to be on the water and it’s great exercise.


On Thursday of this same week, I took my kayak to Miles Pond where I had better luck.  Miles is possibly the closest pond to me, only 12 miles away.  I’ve been here before.   It’s a bit smaller than Peacham at 206 acres and also has houses but the loons were there the day I visited which was great

I zoomed in a bit across the pond to show the houses.  They are going down both long sides of the water.


I only took one house picture close up so this must have been my favorite of the pond front properties.   Or maybe it was just its paint scheme that appealed.  Definitely color coordinated – chairs, tables and all.


Paddling along the shore I can hear rushing water and sometimes can get a look.  I paddled back into this small opening.


And found this sweet talking stream.  Few things are as appealing to me as the sound of moving water.


This lake too had an island in the middle.  I wish I knew why that was so common but no Loon signs around this one.   The gray clouds are a bit concerning but no rain is predicted.  However that doesn’t always mean much.

Happily the loons were here.

I saw this pair several times during the morning but no chicks.

Miles pond has a wild end which was where I was headed.   The sides have homes all along but the wildness starts before you get near the end which is swampy. 

The Great Blue Heron stood as still as a statue.   I had downloaded Merlin and had it on as I paddled.  I was surprised at how many birds were here beyond the ones I could see or whose calls and songs I recognized.

I heard the Red Winged Blackbird before I saw him so I was on the look out.  I was on the look out for others whose songs I recognized like the Kingfisher and those I did not like the Tree Swallows that Merlin identified for me.  The kingfisher was too fast and the tree swallows were literally zooming all around, up and down, back and forth.  Both were impossible to photograph but it was wonderful to see them.

I heard other birds I recognized but didn’t see like the Red Eyed Vireo, the Cedar Waxwing, the Goldfinch, the Robin, the Eastern Phoebe and the Song Sparrow.  Merlin told me there were others whose songs I did not recognize like Yellow Warbler, the Least Flycatcher, the Warbling Vireo whom I’d never even heard of.


It was a very good day for hearing birds and seeing a few.    And I’m obviously not the only one listening for running water.   In the distance of this and the photo above you can see the Beaver beavers too have built a house on the pond.


Looks like a two room cottage.   I wish I’d seen the builders.  Maybe it’s a big family.

I paddled on many more ponds in July so they will be in upcoming posts.  It is my favorite thing to do here where there are SO many and the trails are SO muddy with all the rain.


  1. Happy that you are enjoying this summer!!! Jackie from Florida

    1. Great to hear from you Jackie I hope you are enjoying your summer as well.

  2. Wow, never heard of Merlin, thanks for that tip...
    Talk about glassy, that water is beautiful. Seeing the repetitive photos off the front of the kayak I'm about ready to be back on the water I'm so jealous!
    Also, love your strategy to miss the busy times. (Weekends)
    Finally, love the cute little house on the water with the matching chairs, thanks Sherry!

    1. I love your comments Shayne and I'm glad I could let you know about Merlin. You should get out on the water it is just so calming.

  3. PS: Maybe include the mention of the name issue in the blog as I'm doing here since it's missed in the email, or rather repeat it at the end of the post in case it's forgotten when people start to blog...just a thought.

    1. Thanks for your suggestion here Shayne I think you're right that I should put it in the post. If it wasn't so much trouble I would change platforms since blogger is so difficult in this regard.

  4. My favorite parts of your water shots are the reflections in the water! The mirroring of objects are wonderful and truly raise your photos to a new level! Well done friend! 👍

    1. Thank you Mary I'll try to include mirroring pictures in all my water shots.

  5. If i ever win a lottery (which I don't play lol) I'd buy a house in Vermont on a lake. To have those kinds of birds visiting me would be delightful!

    1. Boy Laurie Vermont would be pretty far away from where you are now but you'd have a lot of lakes to choose from. I'd be happy to kayak on the lake your house is on.

  6. I have mixed feelings about those houses built along the areas you paddle. It would be nice to have one, but then it seems to destroy the wonders of unspoiled nature. At least these houses are smaller and appear well maintained and not so over the top like the "houses" along the oceanfront in places like Malibu, CA.

    1. I agree Paul. A few houses are one thing but when there are so many so close together, the human activity dominates the experience with the is all suburban mowers and blowers.

  7. thanks for sharing your adventures with all of us! You are an amazing photographer.......looks so peaceful out on those ponds. Glad you didn't run across any power boats to spoil the quiet. Mary on Mason Lane

    1. You are so welcome Mary. Thank you for responding with your comments. The peaceful is what I really love.

  8. Love when you paddle. Too bad about the houses, but... ~Gaelyn


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